Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Still in Wifi Wildnerness

Wifi exists in the North West of Scotland but not quite as we know it Jim. Even this message would have been quicker to issue using the carrier pidgeon route. I will try to post over the coming days but if you do not see any new updates over the coming three days there will be one major dump so to speak on 6 June when I am hopefully back doon South. Stunning scenery here, but it comes at a cost.....Hills!!!!! and Mountains and Valleys!!!!!  Me and My Little Rhino are hanging in there just! Not even risking more than one picture other than this one of me filling up My Little Rhino. That is more than 800 miles on one frame full of fuel.


  1. Pleased to read the update

  2. I trust that you managed to exchange some BoE sterling for some Clydesdale Bank notes to pay for the re-fuel. Nice to see you still smiling....or is that a grimace? And the position in front of the bike simply a way of relieving the Broadbottom?
