And thence to the matter at hand getting me and My Little Rhino on the way to the far and distant North of this land. Today's cycle started from were that odd man and his rather appealing little bike are standing to a Holiday Inn at Brentwood by a motor way.
My summary of Kent: Grand and very posh in the places until things went seriously in the other direction prior to getting on the Gravesend to Tilbury Ferry. But it prepared me for Essex.
The Grandeur of Kent in pictures
Grand houses
Totally over the top entrances, as you see this one is bigger than the house by it, I think I would have put more money in the house to be honest.

Grand Vistas which also suggest that Kent does have hills and the 4500 ft of cumulative climb would confirm that today. The Northerners among our party say these are not hills.
Even the sheep have been genetically modified to look posh:
And so to lunch, and in typical Peak Tours form we ended up at a location of some character:
And so we travelled through the picturesque and ancient underpass under the M20.
And Kent seemed to show a different side as we cycled straight into Borstal. If Prince had the wit to change his name surely the village elders of Borstal could have a crack at coming up with something that does not cause people to move away from you at parties when they ask where you are from.
Also I got the impression that the people in this part of Kent don't know how to spell F*ck.
And so onto the Gravesend to Tillbury Ferry and a rather fetching picture of me and My Little Rhino made to look better than we deserve by the power station in the background. .
And so to Essex. Maybe its the roads we cycled or maybe its just Essex but I have not seen so much fly tipping before. I thought I would share some of the highlights of the 15 mile ride from the Ferry Terminal to our hotel.
I'm calling this picture Three Fridges in a Field. © Andrew Thomas 2016. Reproduction only with prior permission.
And this one: Assorted Rubbish Blocking an Entrance to A field. © Andrew Thomas 2016. Reproduction only with prior permission.
I suppose if Tracy Emin put these in the Tate Modern she would be called an artist rather than a Fly Tipper, hmmm need to think about that some more.
And that about sums up the Essex bit. Apologies to anyone from Essex reading this as I am sure there are many entrances to fields that are not blocked in this way and not doubt some lovely places.
So 84 miles after setting off we arrived at our hotel having experience an interesting day of great variety.
On entering my hotel room this little flyer was on my bed which is something that I may suggest to Rosie on my return: Or perhaps not.
And just in case anyone reading this blog thinks that the life of moderately longish distance cycle rider is all glamour here is a picture to finish off today's coverage from the Peak Tours Front Line: My cycle washing hanging in the window of my hotel room. Really classy! Those sucker hangers are the work of a genius.
72 miles tomorrow and into Cambridgeshire which I am looking forward to, its flat!
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